Rare Condition associated with Breast Implants

A new national registry has been established by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the FDA to document reported cases of a rare condition  , Anaplastic Large Cell Lyphoma (ALCL) which is possibly associated with breast implants.  Thirty four cases of ALCL  in patients with breast implants have been reported in the world and that is in the 5-10 million women who have implants world wide.  Most of the patients presented with late onset seromas ( swelling) around their breast implants .  The condition appears to arise in the capsule surrounding the implants and is not breast cancer.  Currently the recommendation for women who are found to have this condition is to remove the capsule ( scar tissue) which surrounds the implant as well as the implant.  Safety is always of first concern and I  concur with the the American Society of Plastic Surgeons , the Aesthetic Society as well as both implant companies (Mentor and Allergan) in supporting efforts to research this rare condition .

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